Tooth Powder Ingredients

baking soda - 100% pure, aluminum free

A base (vs. an acid) which provides alkalinity, raising the pH of the mouth and acting as an antibacterial agent. When pH is above 6, bad bacteria are inhibited thus less plaque and less attack on teeth.

Don’t worry, the hardness of baking soda is too low to impact the polish on enamel. Click the ‘learn more’ button below to see the table in an article on Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA) of pure baking soda vs. other commercial toothpastes:

Himalayan pink salt 

A beautiful, mineral rich salt. Suitable for cooking and our Tooth Powder! A salty note, designed with purpose. Salt is antibacterial, and once combined with water it becomes ionic, attracting pollutants and taking them out of your mouth.

Calcium carbonate

Mildly abrasive and aids in supporting healthy enamel.