Natural Living at Home - An Intro - 

We need a lot of products to keep our space and bodies clean. 

Or do we? Fancy adds, enticing fragrances and pretty bottles can certainly have us thinking we need the latest trends in cleaning and beauty products.

My husband said to me a few years ago ‘all you need is apple cider vinegar, baking soda and coconut oil; they have so many uses!’. Isn’t that the truth. These are major staples in our home. They can be used on household surfaces and bodies alike. I would also add white vinegar, Castile soap, pure essential oils of tea tree, lavender and lemon to that list. Wondering what we use them for?

Baking soda: removes soap scum, good in toilets (see link below for an awesome soft-scrub recipe), deodorizes fridge, carpet, couch + bed used in our Tooth Powder can be used with Arrowroot powder for a ‘no-poo’ hair cleanser drink a teaspoon mixed in water to help an acidic stomach baking and cooking.

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: a tablespoon in a cup of water for a hair conditioner (helps remove build up of commercial shampoo) infuse herbs into it to make a tonic to mix with water/sparkling water to drink, or for salad dressings helps draw out calcium and other minerals from bones when making bone broth, add about a tablespoon to the cooking pot mixed with almond or soy milk to create a ‘buttermilk’ alternative adding a splash to your legumes while soaking them helps break down the phytic acid allowing for easier digestion. 

White Vinegar: mixed with water it is great for cleaning the crevices the lid of your to-go mug (soak overnight) de-scaling your electric kettle cleaning your coffee maker pour baking soda down your drain then white vinegar for the classic, natural drain cleaner my grandmother swore by it on windows wiped with a newspaper for a lint-free shine. (see the link below Castile Soap info for a soft-scrub recipe)

Organic Coconut Oil: bring life back to tired wood furniture (do a test spot first) rubbed on a squeaky hinge or stuck sliding door tracks as a moisturizer on the body alone or mixed with other butters and oils baking and cooking.

Castile Soap: used in our household foaming soap dispensers in all washrooms for a mild shampoo (need to rinse with apple cider vinegar + water mix to remove residue) can wash dishes with it in an awesome soft-scrub for sinks, tubs and toilets. Lisa Bronner (of Dr. Bronner.s) shows you how in this 3minute video:

[this is not an affiliate link, just a DIY we love!]

You may have one or all of the above items in your cupboards. Try to make one swap and GIY [Green It Yourself]. This also gives you the ability to re-use spray bottles and squeeze containers you would otherwise toss. As you begin to draw your attention to your product choices you will find there is most likely a low-tox alternative. Start small. Change takes time.
